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Posted on - 11/04/2011
Hello! I want to create an exchange environment (with a server to handle the incoming OWA and POP3 connections and one to house the mail store). I am thinking of it as a front-end + back-end environment. If I use Enterprise in the back-end, do I need to have it in the front-end, too, or I can have Enterprise in the back-end and a Standard in the front-end?
Please help I want to create an Exchange environment with front-end-back end.
Hallo Vilma,
I am not so sure if you can have enterprise server in the back end too, when you have it in the back end, but what I know is that for the back end the server you can have is the exchange server 2003 which can work hand in hand with the exchange 2007 CAS, and then establish a connection to the enterprise server which is in the front end by the use of an anonymous authentication.
The standard server can also be used as a front end server, and I have not just figured out yet if it may be suitable to be used as a back end server, which I highly doubt if it may be possible.
Hope this helps.
Mahesh Babu