Hello Everyone,
I got an assignment of making JavaScript games Tic-Tac–Toe, Checkers and many more. I had selected Checkers as my first choice, Please help me to find the best optimized Checkers JavaScript source code. Thank you very much.
Please help me finding game checkers JavaScript source code
Greetings Julio V Carter,
Well I'm not sure if they are best optimized but I've found you some open source checkers written in css/javascript.
You can check them out at following links.
Dmulder Checkers game written in JavaScript
JavaScript Checkers game
It's the best thing i Could find on Google. I hope you will get some use of them.
Please help me finding game checkers JavaScript source code
Hi there Julio V Carter, Both games, Tic-Tac-Toe and Checkers are quite simple and can be written or rewritten in just a few lines.
When looking for samples to use, it is very important to always find the open source code that can be changed without violating any copyright rules.
Also, using samples is a great way to learn JavaScript in practice.
I'm giving you two examples that are a great start:
Best regards, Drake Vivian