I am trying to restore my iPhone using iTunes on my Windows 10 PC. I encounter a 4005 error (iPhone 6). I do not have any troubleshooting ideas. I tried changing the USB, though. Please help.
Please Help Me Fix The 4005 Error (iPhone 6) When Restoring Using Windows PC
I will let you know the ways to troubleshoot the 4005 error (iPhone 6).
Method 1
a. Open iTunes on your PC.
b. Click on Help.
c. Check for Updates.
d. Let it download.
e. Restart iTunes.
f. Try to restore it.
Method 2
Hold the power button and home button together. Your device will restart. Try to restore now.
Method 3
Take another PC on another network and perform the restore. If it is successful, there was a problem with your iTunes. Uninstall it, and install it again.
If the issue persists, contact apple support.