How to fix Windows Recovery Virus?

Hi! Every one,
I have the Windows Recovery virus I have never heard about it before, but my Antivirus detected it.
I can't change the desktop background. It is just a plain black display.
Please help me.

Hi! Every one,
I have the Windows Recovery virus I have never heard about it before, but my Antivirus detected it.
I can't change the desktop background. It is just a plain black display.
Please help me.
Hi! Nice,
Maybe you are in safe mode. That is the only reason I know, that makes your screen look black.
If you didn't boot in safe mode and are still experiencing the black screen, then I'm pretty sure, your system is infected with a virus.
I guess you need to find a better Antivirus software. I suggest you use Kaspersky.
Just give it a try.
Yes, I originally started up in safe mode, when I was trying my own way to clear the virus.
However, IÂ don't believe I am still in it. But believe me, even if I'm not in safe mode I still see a black screen.
You're right, maybe it's a virus. I'll try first to download the Kaspersky Antivirus.
I hope it can delete the virus in my computer.
Nica, Here's another way.
Just download and run unhide.exe, which will un hide your start menu programs and should restore your wallpaper.
If you are still having issues after running this, let me know.
Either way, you still need a good Antivirus.
Yeah! Pheetong was right. May be your desktop and recycle bin is not deleted. It is just hidden by the viruses.
Just give it a try.
But this cannot delete the virus. There is a tendency, that you will encounter this problem again.
So much better, if you still have an Antivirus.
Unhide.exe solved the problem! Then I also installed Kaspersky Antivirus.
Thanks a lot