Can someone help me?
I have a HP G60 laptop running on Windows 7 Home Basic. The problem is that I can’t access the internet, using the dial-up connection. I keep on getting error messages. For instance, “There is no dial tone."
When I click on the internet icon, I get a message that, “Connection does not exist, you cannot connect to the internet because you are working offline”. I went to the modem options and unchecked the, "wait for dial tone before dialing" check box and redial the second time. This time round, it started its dialing sound but never connected successfully.
It was taking forever to connect and then a message pops up, "the remote computer did not respond." Strangely, this message pops up whenever the telephone is connected or not connected to the computer.
I checked the modem, its working properly. I went through network diagnostics, troubleshooting and followed all the required instructions but no problem was detected. I have done a reset and setting up a new connection and that has not worked either. I can’t think of any other way to fix this.
I have tried all I can in vain. What I need is help. Has someone experienced the same problem?
Any suggestions?
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Please help! Modem dial-up connection problem
Dial-up Internet access is a form of Internet access that uses the telephone lines to establish a dialed connection, to an Internet Service Provider or ISP.
I would assume you have an account with a telephone company. First question would be, does your account have dial-up features? In my experience with AT&T as a tech support, phone plans have different features like maybe you only signed up for a phone line and usually there would be additional charges for a phone plan with dial up connection, compared to phone lines only.
Now assuming your phone plan has dial up feature and you still can't connect using a dial up, it would be best not to speculate. So you better call your phone company to make sure you have dial up access, in your account. I don't know the specific details on how you have set up your connection. So I'm going to start from the very beginning.
Let's start with the proper way to connect using dial up connection.
First, you need to check for dial tone. Pick up the phone and listen to dial tone, make sure there are no noise other than the dial tone, because usually if you hear something else, like line noise there might be a problem with your line and you will need to report that to your phone company and get it repaired.
It would be best, if you try to call a friend just to check if your phone is working because sometimes accounts might get suspended or deactivated due to glitches, human error or maybe there is a problem with line in your area. If there are no problems with the dial tone, next we will check your hardware connection.
You need your laptop to be directly connected to the phone jack using a phone cable. The phone jack should be clear of any filters. If there are any installed, the phone cable should be properly connected and you should hear a clicking sound when you connect it.
When you said that, "I checked the modem, its working properly" were you referring to the laptop or another device separated from the modem like a DSL modem, cause a dial up modem is a software in your laptop, what I mean is it's an internal modem installed already in every laptop.
Just in case if you have a DSL modem connected, just remove it and connect the laptop directly to the phone jack. So you will only need your laptop, phone cable and the phone jack. For the first error message that you get which is, "THERE IS NO DIAL TONE", make sure nobody is using the phone because if someone is using it, the dial up connection can no longer use the phone line and you can't connect to the internet.
Now if nobody is using the phone and you still get the same error message, try creating a new dial-up connection. When you click on the internet icon and you get the error message, "connection does not exist, you cannot connect to the internet because you are working offline". This is because your Internet Explorer has defaulted the settings to, "working offline".
So even if you are not connected to the internet, you can still use your Internet Explorer for offline activities like programming or other stuffs. Now if you are connected to the internet, you will have to change the settings.
To fix this what you need to do is:
Open Internet Explorer, just disregard the error message "……working offline".
Once you have it open, click on the FILE button on the upper left of your Internet Explorer and it would open a window.
Second, to the last button would be "Work Offline" and you would see it checked, you will need to uncheck it by simply clicking the "Work Offline" button.
To check if the "Work Offline" button is unchecked, just click on the FILE button again and you should see that the "Work Offline" button is unchecked.
Now for the last error message, "the remote computer did not respond." What it meant by "remote computer" was your Internet service Provider. That means you started to use your telephone lines to establish a dial up connection to an Internet Service Provider but your Internet Service Provider did not respond.
Basically it's like making a call to your Internet Service Provider, it might be because that you are not using the correct number or dial up access codes. So now the problem is not the line, it could be a software issue or you just don't have the correct dial up access codes.
If you have a dial up account that you are paying every month, the best way to fix this would be to call tech support for dial up connection from your Internet Service Provider, because there might be some settings, that you need to fix or work out with your Internet Service Provider.