Asked By
0 points
Posted on - 09/26/2011
I have installed Oracle XE. I build small database every day to practice from command prompt, but now I want to have more. I want to have a bigger database with a lot of different data to practice and make exercises. So, is possible to get a big data file from somewhere and upload to XE database?
Answered By
0 points
Please Help with Oracle X
Yes,you can upload  big data file from somewhere in to XE database:-
To begin, place your .dmp file in your adminXEdpdump folder. I am running my server locally on my laptop, so this location is
This location may be different depending on where you installed oracle. I prefer to put my dump files in the dpdump folder so that I don't have to specify a directory when doing the import.
Next you should open up your command line utility and type the following command
1 impdp username/password dumpfile=filename.dmp
The data pump import utility will begin running and outputting it's progress to the screen. It will generate your tables, triggers, binds, and fill the data in. Basically it will make an exact replication of the database it was exported from. After this is complete check your errors. If there were none, you're good to go!
Hopefully this tutorial helps you get through this task without having to scour the internet. Take care, and good luck with Oracle!