Please provide the steps to clarify the concepts easily.

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

I am trying to explain the formula to find the area of a square to my students. Few of them are unable to understand it. Please provide the steps to clarify the concepts easily.

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Answered By 0 points N/A #329671

Please provide the steps to clarify the concepts easily.



  • In mathematics Square is the product of multiplying the number by itself.


  • It is like raising the power by 2 for the given number.


  • For example, to find the square of a number 4, it can be written as 42 = 4 * 4 =16.


Also, square is a geometrical shape which has all its four sides of equal length.



5 cm

A                                          B



5 cm





C                                          D

  • Formula to find the area of a square is (side) 2


  • The area of the above figure is calculated by (AB)2


  • = (5)2
  • =25 cm

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