Please tell me about calendar sharing on network

I have a blog that already have many followers and there is this awesome feature called calendar sharing on network.
So, how can I establish this?

I have a blog that already have many followers and there is this awesome feature called calendar sharing on network.
So, how can I establish this?
Greetings Dee Dawson!
This is very much interesting to share calendar with others. However, if you want to establish it for your website or blog site.
The Google calendar gives you the opportunity to share any event and even publish this for showing others people from your web site or blog. For more better understanding how to display or establish a calendar in your web site or blog.
So, how will you do this?
First sign in, then click on the small triangle, then go to Calendar setting, Click HTML icon, then go to Calendar Address, after all go to embed option, and click on this to embed your blog, it's ok. Now, you will be able to share what you will want.
For more detail, just go to visit the link.