Please tell me, what is an IMAP?

I just want to ask, what is IMAP and what mail software packages are supported by it?
Please help me.

I just want to ask, what is IMAP and what mail software packages are supported by it?
Please help me.
Dear pal,
An IMAP is an Internet Message Access Protocol. This protocol function is to allow the software to be capable of accessing and also influence the server containing the electronic email messages. The software that works with the IMAP is the Outlook Express and also the Netscape Messenger.
These are the main certified forms of software to use. This is chiefly because the software has very high security guarantee. This software allows the user to access, for instance, your Netscape mail using a different form of mail software.
The IMAP does this by sending multiple forms of mail extensions using the ‘Multiple Internet Mail Extensions’’ (MIME) design.
IMAP generally stands for Internet Message Access Protocol. It is the standard protocol used for retrieving email messages.
It is an Application Layer internet protocol that permits your email client or any email client software to access and retrieve your email messages from a remote mail server.
The present version of IMAP is 4 as defined in the RFC 3501. The IMAP server usually listens to port 143 while the IMAPS or the IMAP over SSL is on port 993.
So basically with IMAP, it supports any email client software available that uses IMAP. So that means you can install and use any email client package on your computer like Microsoft Office Outlook. Additionally, IMAP supports both off-line and on-line modes of operation.
Most of the email clients that are using IMAP usually leave the email messages on the mail server until the user decides when to delete them. This behavior together with other characteristics of IMAP permits the same mailbox from being managed by multiple email clients.
The IMAP protocol was designed in 1986 by Mark Crispin and is intended to be used as a remote mailbox protocol.
This is in contrast to POP which is the widely used protocol for retrieving mailbox contents.