Populating customer data within a document

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

I am in possession of a certain list that contains some data about our customers for example their first, middle and last names, address details and would like to populate this info within a document. The problem is that I am unable to come up with a way to add fields for the additional columns in the lookup column. I am using various data from the list as fields but currently all my efforts are yielding no result. If someone knows how to do this then I would really appreciate.

Answered By 55 points N/A #98365

Populating customer data within a document

  1. First you have to see in which form your data is. If it is in Comma Separately Values then it is very easy to do.
  2. But if it is not in a CSV format as I said above then first make it manually and you have to do it.
  3. After that save the file and open the MS Excel.
  4. Import that file in MS Excel and ask it to treat it as a CSV file.
  5. It will ask for the steps like what do you want to do after each comma.
  6. Do some things and it will automatically line up the data into respective and separate columns. After that save the file and just choose the type text document that you wanted.

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