Possible problem in a computer

My computer is turn on 5 days when I using it works as well, in the following days my computer suddenly has turn of. And when I turn it on they didn’t work as well. So what’s the possible problem to my computer?

My computer is turn on 5 days when I using it works as well, in the following days my computer suddenly has turn of. And when I turn it on they didn’t work as well. So what’s the possible problem to my computer?
There are a lot of reasons why a computer may not turn on regardless if we had it turned on continuously for several days, or not. It could be due to:
To solve this issue:
For other troubleshooting steps, you may visit https://www.lifewire.com/how-to-fix-a-computer-that-wont-turn-on-2624450.
There are many reasons will be there, First check your hardware and Make sure your power supply clean. May be little insects will be there and its short your PSU circuit. Then Remove your memory card and clean dust.
Those steps almost fix your problem. Good luck.
After using all solutions.
Pc did not start .i think your motherboard is damage.