Is it possible to run multiple Operating Systems on a single computer? What are the guidelines to follow to install multiple Operating Systems on my computer? I would also like to known how to run virtual machines on Windows 8.1 with Client Hyper-V. What are the full special features of Client Hyper-V while giving a general overview?
Possible Ways To Run Multiple Operating Systems On A Single Computer
You have two options for installing multiple operating systems in a PC
1. In a Virtual Drive
2. On your hard disk directly.
Hard Disk Directly
You can install multiple operating systems in your PC by installing it in the hard disk directly. You only want to create a separate partition or you can install it in your local drive. At the booting time you will get the OS selection window. You can install Windows 8 and Windows 7 and Linux parallel in your PC.
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On Virtual Drive
Next method is installing it in a virtual drive. For this you want to open your main OS and run the virtual drive software. Windows 8.1 comes with Hyper V, which will function for virtualizing the same machine. Virtual drive means a drive inside your main drive. Hyper-v enables you to run more than one operating system inside your own system.
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