Power DVD 9 and Blu-Ray disk

Hey computer enthusiasts,
Hoping to find some help here.
I was using Power DVD 9 to watch Blu-Ray movies for months. But recently I was trying to see a movie I  faced a problem. The picture was in the form of posterized. I am having only 8 colors. It was something like that I am watching on an EGA or it was lost all low order color information.
DVD is always playing properly even if it is decoded by Power DVD or Catalyst. The only change happened in the software is that the Blu-Ray worked on Catalyst Version. But even after I have changed to Catalyst 11.2, there was no change in the result. I have also updated the Power DVD, but still there was no change in the result. I have added a new SSD and no other hardware changes are made. But the SSD and the Blu-Ray drive on different controllers only. I have also tried with various Blu-Ray disks. I also reset the HDMI cable to 6970, but there was no change in the result.
There is no DRM error is coming. The only chance is any catalyst settings may be missed by me. If anybody knows how to solve this , please let me know.Â
Thanks in advance.