Power DVD audio and video skipping

I am having a problem with the audio and the speed of the videos that I play on Power DVD 11 Version 11.0.2211.53. This is regardless of the video type (VOB, Bluray or DVD). It's as if the videos are skipping several frames thus making the movements on the video jerky and fast. The movements can be slowed down by selecting the 3/4 speed option but the sound is still not there. When I use another player like VLC, the movies play just fine.
My specs of my computer are as follows:
My PC is a Dell Studio 9100 running Windows 7 Home Premium (x64) Service Pak 1 (build 7601)
3.20 Intel Core i7 960 processor, 12 gig of Ram
AMD Radeon HD 6800 Series
What is going on with my player? Is there a fix to this problem?