Asked By
1090 points
Posted on - 08/03/2011
Hi folks and friends,
I meet an error every time I load Microsoft PowerPoint. The error message goes Windows – No Disk. I pasted below some additional text of the error for better view of the scenario.
Windows – No Disk
Exception Processing Message 0xc0000013 Parameters 0x75BE023C
0x8343FCBC 0x75BE023C 0x75BE023C
I already checked my computer for some virus, but nothing was found. I also found out that, when I use Microsoft Word this error is also present. That is why I assumed this error is general to both applications.
I am wondering what disk this error is pointing out. I did not remove any storage medium in my computer.
Please help me get rid of this error message.
Thanks a lot.
PowerPoint error message: No Disk
Do you have Spybot installed in your computer? SPYBOT is an Anti-spyware program that scans malware in hard disk. To check if installed:Â Check in your hard disk and then Open your Program Files, there look for Spybot- Search & Destroy.
If Installed:
Have you tried to run Spybot in Safe Mode? It might fix your problem..
Another question, have you connected an external drive in your computer before this problem occurs? Cause in some cases it caused the problem due to misconfiguration of drive when computer is booted.
Well, I assumed I had the same problem. If the error exists, just leave it off and:
Open your task Manager or by doing CTRL+ALT+DEL /as seen below WINDOWS TASK MANAGER appears
Select APPLICATIONS TAB (I assume I have that error and under application)
Select WINDOWS – NO DISK / RIGHT CLICK on it / SELECT GO TO PROCESS (it will bring you exactly what process in applications tab) check what exe is that but DO NOT TERMINATE THE PROCESS.