PowerPoint Presentation not working with Win 7 and IE9
I cannot solve a vexing mystery and hope you can guide me. My website, http://www.standing-tall.com/ contains a presentation made in PowerPoint 2003 with embedded WMA and MP3 sound files. (The MP3 sound was inserted into the WMA files) On the site, you can reach the presentation by clicking through the link below the page, A PERSONAL NOTE FROM THE FOUNDER OF THIS SITE and then by scrolling down again to click on ALL HANDS ON DECK link. I can successfully run, watch and hear the presentation with my Windows XP Pro and Internet Explorer 8. But I cannot open it via my laptop running Windows 7 and Internet Explorer 9. The slide and the sound of the presentation are missing. When I talked to a Google technician from the hosting site, they could not help me. I thought I was au fait or up to date with knowledge in technology but after hours of struggle – I am completely buffaloed. Please help.