The PREDATOR access control system shows error

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Hi there,

Even I have uninstalled PREDATOR this screen still appears when I open my PC. The password is the same and my PC is running just fine. I don’t understand why this screen appears and I have uninstalled the PREDATOR using RevoUninstaller and I have removed all. Can anyone help me to repair this ? Why my regular log on screen doesn’t appear ?

Thank you !


This computer is protected by the PREDATOR access-control system. Intrusion attempts will be reported to the administrator

Enter password


Access Denied

Answered By 0 points N/A #176096

The PREDATOR access control system shows error


Hi John,

Predator is like a hacker, etc. That harms your computer. I will gave you the link for you to understand all the computer security to prevent it from these people. Im sorry to tell you but your computer has been hacked by other people. You can format your computer to disconnect all the information connected to that hacker.

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