I am using Mac Operating System and during the last update I got an error message which I can’t solve easily. I have spent so many hours resolving the matter finally I suggested to get a solution from experts. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Premiere Pro has encountered an error.
Premiere Pro has encountered an error
Resolution 1:
That has got to be something to do with audio. Deleting the preferences for pr as well as for your OS Audio Devices will resolve it.
Resolution 2:
If by any chance you tinkered permissions on the folder being mentioned, perhaps, by using "apply to enclosed items" button. In that case, you will need to run the following terminal to fix the issue.
sudo chown -R `id -un`:`id -gn` ~
chmod -RN ~/Documents/*
Premiere Pro has encountered an error
It seems that it is a permission error on your computer. This is a pretty common error on Mac OS X. This doesn’t happen on all Mac applications but sometimes it does happen. In case this is the reason why you are getting that error on your computer, you can fix it by running a couple of commands in the terminal window.
To open the terminal window, from the dock open Finder then select Applications, Utilities, and then double-click Terminal. You can visit Failed To Complete iTunes Request to see how it is opened. Once it is opened, type the following commands in the terminal window:
sudo chown -R `id -un`:`id -gn` ~
chmod -RN ~/Documents/*
Press Enter on each line. In case you are prompted, just enter your administrator username and password to continue. Once you run these commands in the terminal window, it will make you the owner of the entire home directory as what it should be. It will also remove any hidden ACLs that are probably jamming your Documents directory.