How to prepare a USB storage device as an installation source for Windows 7?
Prepare a USB storage device as an installation source
You have to follow below steps for create your USB storage device as a windows 7 installation source.
Attach the USB storage device to computer and make sure USB Storage device not containing any valuable data. If there is any valuable data then save it to another place. This process will format your USB storage device.
Press windows key + R and it will open the command prompt window.
Type the word DISKPART in the command prompt window.
Then you will get a DISKPART option and then type the ‘list disk’ word after the DISKPART to get the driver letter of your attach USB storage device.
After the DISKPART option type the word ‘select’ disk with letter of your USB storage device (select disk (letter of your USB storage device))
Then at the DISKPART option you have to type word ‘clean’. This will clean your USB storage device.
After the disk is cleaned then type the word ‘create partition primary’ at the DISKPART.
After creating primary partition type the word ‘fs=fat32’ quick for format the USB storage disk. After format process completed, type the word ‘active’ for active the partition and then exit from the process.
Then you have to copy all the windows 7 installation files into the USB storage device.
Finally you have to configure the BIOS setting of your new computer for boot form USB Device and then you can install the windows 7 from USB storage device.
Thank You.
John Major.