Price Of The Removable Hard Disk Cartridge For Rd1000 And Features Too

Hello, notify the price for removable hard disk cartridge for rd1000 and its key features as well and thanks for solving too and reply asap as well.

Hello, notify the price for removable hard disk cartridge for rd1000 and its key features as well and thanks for solving too and reply asap as well.
Hey, the price for removable hard disk cartridge for rd1000 will be approx. Rs 18000 and can be purchased over the online portals too like the eBay and has some products warranty as well for it. The specifications for it are like the transfer speed is 250m/sec had pre loaded 5000 cartridge usages and can easily read and write as well. Below shows its feature:
• It is more portable and reliability is too good
• Also it is more of a removability products
• Can also expanded the storage and is more flexible too
• It is easy to use and backup the solutions too
• It’s faster as well.