Primes algorithm and Krushkals algorithm

What are the differences between the primes algorithm and Kruskal's algorithm to find the minimum spanning tree of a graph?

What are the differences between the primes algorithm and Kruskal's algorithm to find the minimum spanning tree of a graph?
Prim’s algorithm, in computer science, is an algorithm [also termed as greedy algorithm] that searches for the smallest spanning tree for linked weighted undirected graph. This algorithm was developed by Vojtěch Jarník, a Czech mathematician in 1930. In 1957 it was further independently developed by Robert C. Prim who is a computer scientist and later on rediscovered in 1959 by Edsger Dijkstra. With so many involved developers, it was also called as the Jarnik algorithm, the Prim-Jarnik algorithm, or the DJP algorithm. Other algorithms are also included in this problem and they are Kruskal's algorithm and the Borůvka's algorithm.
The only difference between these three algorithms is, in Kruskal's and Borůvka's algorithm they can search minimum spanning forests of disconnected graphs while in Prim’s the graph should be connected. Kruskal's algorithm has the same definition as with Prim’s. Their only difference is that in Kruskal's the graph can be found either connected or disconnected while in Prim’s the graph should be connected.
Thank you very much everyone for your nice explanation. Among those comments I particularly respected Sharath, for his comprehensible enlightenment. Sharath, by visiting your comment, comparable discussion about the differences between the primes algorithm and Kruskal’s algorithm to find the minimum spanning tree of a graph, helps me to know that Prim for all time connect a “new” vertex to an “old” vertex, so that all stages is a tree. Kruskal’s permits both “new” to “new” and “old” to “old” to get linked, so it’s danger creating a circuit and have to check for them every time. So Kruskal’s has a superior complexity than Prim. In the conclusion, I can take a decision that Prim’s is easier to draw as well for me. Thanks again for providing a clear idea about the difference between the two algorithms. Well done, Sharath