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Posted on - 09/08/2011
I am running windows XP 32 bit, and even though my installation of Pro tools shows that it is successfully installed, I keep receiving this error note:
Error while creating the ASIO driver.
Can somebody please help me fix this question so I too can have the bliss of using this  beside of my other tools such as FL Studio, Ableton Live.
Pro tools ASIO driver error
Here I need to know how many outputs have with your realtek sound card. If you have three of more than that then open your audio driver and configure other output port and select it for output. It will solve your problem by just activating only one of the multiple stereo outputs.
And if you have only one output then deactivates all inputs and configures one of your input ports as output. It will solve your problem.
Other option is go to control panel and then add or remove program and then uninstall this software and then reinstall this software again.
Pro tools ASIO driver error
The solution is very simple as you need to go to your "drivers" and you will find it in the place that you installed your program tools so go straight to folder called Digidriver and run it so it will be installed in your PCÂ so now you fixed your problem
You may also need to check your default sound card so you need to go straight to your control panel from start menu and then click on sounds and you should see that your windows doesn't use FTP as primary sound driver and also any other sound programs shouldn't use it
Hope these 2 Solutions help you