i'm using webmail IBM ilotus notes 8.5.1 with the browser mozilla firefox 7.0.1. i can access to my mails. but the problem is that i can't download attached files, i don't find a solution to download it. it shows that the mail contain attached file but the file is not found.
Problem with attached files using lotus notes
I heard a lot of problems like yours. They can't open or download file attachment using lotus notes 8.5.1 not just in mozilla browser but also in internet explorer and Google chrome. Sometimes, lotus note shuts down when you open attachment on it. I suggest you to upgrade into IBM i Lotus Notes 8.5.1.. It's really confusing why can't download attached files on Lotus Notes 8.5.1 but it works in 8.5 version. You really can't save and download documents with attachment on it so if I were you, just upgrade into a higher version to be able to solve your problem.