A problem caused the program to stop correctly

Asked By 30 points N/A Posted on -


I have a problem with Corel Draw X5 when I try to copy bigger part of my file it stopped working and loses all my work. How can I fix this? I need your help as I am unable to understand and resolve this issue. I would be grateful to you for any kind of assistance. Thanks in advance.

A problem caused the program to stop correctly

Corel DRAW (R)

Corel DRAW (R) has stopped working

A problem caused the program to stop correctly.

Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available.

Answered By 0 points N/A #175913

A problem caused the program to stop correctly


There are several possible solutions and you just have to try each of them. There will be an option that will work for you.

1. Reset the workspace to factory defaults by holding the F8 key down for CorelDRAW to load. 

2. Change the property of CorelDRAW to 640 x 480 graphics.

3. Reinstall the version .net 3.5's latest version.

4. In your %temp% folder, delete all the files that are older than your most recent reboot.

5. You can try Windows Recovery and select a date before CorelDRAW stopped working. The problem could be an automatic update to Windows . By resetting the date of Windows, you are able to cancel any automatic updates made to Windows keeping the former set up that was compatible with your CorelDRAW.

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