Problem with changing password – Help

Hello friends,
I am a user of sugarCRM CE 5.5.1 for my customer relationship management. I have windows 2003 server installed with MySql5.1 and the security suites of the CE module.
Now I already have a security group in my system. I want to make a new set of users now and assign it to the already present security group in the system. I allot a similar password to all the users but they are allowed to change it from the "my Account" tab.
I am facing a problem when one of the users wants to reset the password but he cannot do it. When he tries to do so, he sees three tabs on the screen
- Old password
- New password
- Confirm password
If he fills all the required tabs and then press the save button, no activity is performed. I have done this using the SugarCRM with Firefox and I got the following error:
document.getElementById("default_locale_name_forma t") is null
display_td is null
Error: display_td is null
File: https://ip: port/sugarcrm/index.php
LÃne: 643
The following window pops up on the screen:

If I cancel it out, a message appears on my screen asking me the user of the new password. It gives me three names which are as follows:
 Creator of the record-Admin user
- Last modify user (me)-admin user
- Name of the security group of the record
If I select the last option, the password works right but the problem is , I don’t want my users to see the pop up window appear before them. What is the mistake I am making?
Any help for this problem will be highly appreciated.
Kind Regards