I enjoy using Scrapbook Factory software and always got useful results. Recently however, I am troubled with some annoying problems in version five.
When texts are copied and pasted to a page from another region, I get nothing but some rather odd fonts like Japanese. I never got this kind of problem in previous versions. Now I don't I want to go back to earlier versions nor to type stories and other stuffs in other software which is quite boring.
Can I get any patch for this?
Also I was looking for new updates but I found nothing till now.
Problem copying text in Scrapbook Factory Software version 5
The Scrapbook factory software that you are using is from Nova developer , their sponsored link is Japanese. That is why you can see some Japanese character. Where did you get that? maybe it's better to buy Scrapbook factory software, diretly from Nova Development than other sponsored links. Just go directly to
Than somewhere else with sponsored links
(avanquest, software review download cd. net , staples, best buy and many other sites).
I saw microsoft promoting avanquest on scrapbook . Anyway, those are just an example of the website that you can avail when you want to buy Scrapbook Factory Deluxe software . And when you try to copy and paste, be careful that you did not touch anything that is not included. Do not miss anything because there is no undo button.