Asked By
Blaine Back
0 points
Posted on - 08/31/2011
Hi people,
I have a problem with Core FTP Software. Do you know it is used to upload our files from our system to FTP Server.
I downloaded it from When I tried to install it then I have encountered this problem.
What is this problem? Is it a problem with that software?
Or It is the problem in my system? I used Windows XP.
NSIS Error
Installer integrity check has failed. Common causes include incomplete download and damaged media.
Contact the installer's author to obtain a new copy.
More information at :
Problem with Core FTP Software Installing in Windows XP
The error usually displays when the application that you are trying to install is incomplete or corrupted.
But Windows XP has Windows Firewalls that tends to interfere with the installation process.
Since you downloaded the software from the Internet, you can try  to resolve this problem by:
Cleaning the cache of your browser’s.
Make sure to disable your download managers, once you disabled it, download the application again, and change its name without any other character besides from letters. Such as this core.exeBefore downloading the application again, update first your anti-virus.
Scan your computer for any viruses or malwares and then remove.
Scan your computer using any repair tool for hard drives.
Disable your firewall and install the software again
Problem with Core FTP Software Installing in Windows XP
Hi Blaine Back, this problem particularly rises when software fails to run self test during installation. Installer has some file missing or corrupted. If software is downloaded from internet it has not done properly or source is not reliable.
Try downloading again and if it happens again download from some other site. There is no other reason for this error and will be fixed for sure. But in case you are using CD you have to fix NSIS.
Copy the .exe setup file into C: drive. Go to Command Prompt.
Give the whole path of setup.exe press space and type /NSIS at the end of line.
Like this
>C: Software/coreftp-setup.exe /NCRC.
Press enter. Exit command prompt and run setup from C drive.Â