Asked By
David Gram
0 points
Posted on - 07/06/2011
An error appears every time I turned on my computer, it stated as; HAL.DLL Corrupted. This problem enables me to boot inside the operating system. I tried the Operating disk to run a repair it but still it doesn't work.
Also, I've updated the BIOS, still no changes. I need some help about my problem.
A Problem with corrupted HAL.DLL
To start resolving the issue, please insert the Windows XP Disk to the Drive then boot into the recovery Console. When you are already at the recovery console, inside of it type in As (Attrib -H -R -S) without bracket and then click enter.
This is done for the Hidden files to display. When all the steps above is done, delete the boot.ini file using the command (del c:boot.ini). This is certainly type without bracket.
After that type in boot.cfgrebuild in order to rebuild the Boot.ini file and then click Y as saying yes. After this, you are ask to enter the Load Identifier where you need to enter the version of your Operating System on to know whether it is windows XP Professional or Home Edition.
Then please type /fastdetect. Now, enter the command fix boot which helps to enable the successful recovery from the problem. Don't forget then to re-hide the boot.ini files using the command (Attrib +H +R +S).
Type again this one without bracket. This action is necessary for security purposes as recommended. I hope problem is solved.