Problem data storage in Hard Drive

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -


It seems there are no spaces when I am running in my firewall. When I am using the df. Command, it informs me that I have used 96% of my Hard Drive and it’s all set to crash. If it collapses I have no Internet. I remove all squid activity files which are in the var/www/html/squid/weekly directory. These files amass weekly Internet activity.  By using the "rm -Rf 2009Nov08-2009Nov14" command, I removed them and I don’t have any storage space.  I'm not confident if they are being removed totally or not. I don’t know anything about this problem.

Need your help. Thanks.

Best Answer by Carl Jack
Answered By 25 points N/A #106217

Problem data storage in Hard Drive


Dear Dena Ramos

U need to remove the squid log files located in /var/log/squid. If u get this problem frequently, I recommend u to change the squid configuration and change it to remove the squid log files every 2 days for example and set a crontab to do it automatically without doing it yourself. If u r interested of what I give above, please follow these instructions:

–          Find you squid configuration file squid.conf which likely to be located in /usr/lib/squidc/etc or simply in /etc/squid.

–          Locate the variable logfile_rotate which set by default to 10 and change it to 2 for example

–          Add once-a-day job to root's  crontab: 1 1 * * * /usr/lib/squid/bin/squid -k rotate

Hope this may help you.

Best of luck



Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 10 points N/A #106218

Problem data storage in Hard Drive


Hello Dena,

The following steps will help you clear unnecessary files that are taking up space on your computer:

  • You will need to go to the Synaptic Package Manger, and you will find a built-in feature that eliminates old Residual Config packages.
  • Note that residual Config packages are the dependency packages which are left behind after you uninstall a package from your machine.
  • To be able to use this feature, you will need to go to System > Administration, and then choose Synaptic Package Manager.
  • After that you will go to the bottom left hand corner of the window and then click the Status button.
  • In the list that is found above the following:  Sections, Status, Search, and Custom buttons, you will see the following text: Installed, Installed(auto removable)….
  • Just click on apply from menu bar to remove the packages.




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