Hi to everyone, I have an Intel i7 2600 computer that runs with the Window 7 64-bit OS. While working along with the 3D Max today, I decided to update the BSOD that was related to my video. I restarted the computer and from that, I started experiencing a problem with the 3D max which executed an error message of this sort:
Autodesk 3ds Max 2011
The software license check out failed.
Error 20.
I cannot repair or uninstall it either, as it still executes another error message when I try installing it. How can I restore back to a functional 3D max?
Help please.
Problem error after updating my 3D Max.
Oh! It's a great problem for everyone. It's occurred when somebody connect there software with the software owner company's server. A huge number of fake software become sell everyday. Whenever the customer connect there software with the software server then it caught by the serial number of the software.
I found that your 3ds max isn't genuine. That's why this kind of problem occurred Your 3ds max permanently gone. One solution for you. You need reinstall your operating system. Otherwise, you can't use 3ds max in your pc or laptop. So, you should re-install your operating system.
Hope it will help you. Have a good day.
Problem error after updating my 3D Max.
Hallo Tammy,
The issue you are getting has something to do with license problems. To resolve it, you will need to do the following:
You will need to uninstall the software. Also make sure that you get rid of the ProductInformation.pit as well as CascadeInfo.cas files that are found at C:ProgramDataAutodeskAdlm.
After that, you will need to reboot the computer, and then you can go ahead and reinstall the software with admin rights or you can opt to Run it as the Administrator. Hopefully that will clear your license error that you are getting.