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Posted on - 09/27/2011
I am using Intel 945 GCNL motherboard. I have open all the wire which is connected to my motherboard for cleaning it. When I tried to reconnect them I forgot the placement of power switch cable. I am afraid to connect them. How can I understand which pin is for Start or Reset?
Problem facing with Intel 945 GCNL
This is quite easy to do. Just follow the given instructions.
Hard Drive LED (Yellow)
Pins 1 and 3 are for hard drive LED. When a hard drive is busy this light will give you an indication.
Reset Switch (Purple)
Pins 5 and 7 are for Reset Switch in the front of your case. It will give you the option to restart your computer by pressing a button.
Power/Sleep LED (Green)
Pins 2 and 4 are for power indication of your PC. This light will glow when your PC is ON.
Power Switch (Red)
Pins 6 and 8 are for power button of your PC by pressing this button you can Turn Off your computer or you can put it to sleep.
Problem facing with Intel 945 GCNL
Look for the Front Panel on your motherboard as shown in the image below:
These are the corresponding function for each pin: The red pins are for On/Off and the Reset button is the purple pin.