Problem in installing Dell Webcam Manager

I tried installing dell webcam manager, after the installation iam unable to find the icon of webcam.

I tried installing dell webcam manager, after the installation iam unable to find the icon of webcam.
This utility allows launch of webcam applications and was mainly targeted for Windows Vista. Under the imaging devices in Device Manager ensure the webcam has no driver issues i.e. the drivers have to be properly installed.
Sometimes after installation the icon does not appear in Windows XP. For Windows XP restarting the system might help fix the problem. You could also manually create the shortcut to be on the desktop by right-clicking on the software’s folder in Program Files.
If on Windows Vista, uninstalling and reinstalling the software might solve the problem. Make certain that  after uninstallation you reboot the system and get the latest camera drivers and other relevant camera drivers for better results from the manufacturer’s website.
Usually, when installing software from branded computers like Dell, the program’s link doesn’t always appear or made available in the desktop. I also experienced this kind of behavior when installing the built-in webcam in my sister’s laptop.
The software associated with the hardware doesn’t automatically create a shortcut in the desktop after it was installed and if you want to manually open the webcam, you need to navigate and start the program from the Start menu of Windows where the software normally creates the shortcut.
If this is what’s happening in your computer after installing the webcam’s software, I’m sure you can find the webcam in the Start menu. Just remember the name of the software you installed to easily find it in the list of installed programs.
After finding it, just copy it in your desktop to create your shortcut to activate the webcam.