Asked By
Luke Kemper
10 points
Posted on - 06/13/2012
Hi to you system administrator. I have a problem of installing the new Microsoft Project Professional 2010 on my PC; it partially installs and then stops with a question to prove that I have sufficient legitimacy to start the software on window 7. What should be done to prove the legitimacy of installing software of this kind to window 7?
Problem of installing the new Microsoft Project Professional 2010 on my PC?
Microsoft Project Professional 2010 needs some extra PC requirements for installing and running. It 1st requirements that you have to use Windows7 operating system. You must need min 1GHz or faster and 32bit or 64bit processor. 1GB or 2GB RAM. 16Gb/20GB free HDD disc space. DirectX 9 Graphics device and It must with WDDM 1.0 or higher driver version.
But when you will use the Microsoft Project Professional 2010 then you must use at least dual core processor & 1GB/2GB RAM. Without it you will not able to run that project properly. It will hang your PC and will crush several times. Other option that you must check the project 2010 that if any file are missing in the data file or in your system. If you do that I hope your problem will solve immediately.