Problem with my dial-up modem.

My modem is a dial-up modem which is totally unable to detect phone connection these days. I tried to solve it by myself by applying different techniques but all in vain. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

My modem is a dial-up modem which is totally unable to detect phone connection these days. I tried to solve it by myself by applying different techniques but all in vain. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Dialup matters can be annoying. There are several things that might be the source of the problematic itself, variables like wiring, , weather conditions, old cabling, other phones on the line, and many other things can host line noise which might not be obvious on a voice call, but can make it difficult for a dialup modem to hold a connection.
To further complicate the issue, there are also numerous hardware and software subjects that might be the reason of the issue. It is recommended that you have the computer checked by one of our SaskTel Dealers who will be able to troubleshoot the matter further.