The problem is with my Eclipse. It is throwing the message as attached below. I think it is a helpful message.
But I do not understand it. Please provide me the necessary information in respect of the message.
Workspace Unavailable
Workspace in use or cannot is created, choose a different one.
The problem is with my Eclipse
Hello Hunter,
It is likely you already have an Eclipse running. Do steps first, Check the taskbar and check the Windows Task Manager for example the “cces.exe”. The workspace is locked by Eclipse when it is running and attempting to start another instance using the same workspace and will issue this error. I hope you understand now what the message is for.
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Mae Cabanero
The problem is with my Eclipse
Hello Hunter,
You are getting that error most likely because already have an instance of the Cross Core Embedded Tools running, so you will need to check the task bar, and then check the Windows Task Manager for instances of cces.exe.
The workspace is locked by Cross Core Embedded Studio when it is running, and therefore trying to start another instance using the same workspace will cause such an error.