The problem is with my Unigine 3d 11 version 3.0

Asked By 20 points N/A Posted on -

Hi guys,

The problem is with my Unigine 3d 11 version 3.0. I downloaded it from the respective site.

I have been using MSI Afterburner and 12.4 drivers.

However, it cannot set video mode. Have a look at the error message below.

How can I get a remedy of this problem?

Please help.

Direct3D11 error: 0x087A0001

Can’t set video mode

Direct3D11 error: 0x087A0001

D3D11AppWindow::create_content0: CreateSwapChain0: failed Engine::video_restart0: can’t set 1920×1080 fullscreen video mode

Best Answer by Sandra R Butters
Answered By 0 points N/A #190404

The problem is with my Unigine 3d 11 version 3.0


Hello Joseph,

The easiest thing you can try to do is updating that application, for some important components that are needed to facilitate the setting of video mode might not be installed.

If the error persists even after updating, you can try using another setup to install the application and see if that will resolve the issue.



Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 30 points N/A #190405

The problem is with my Unigine 3d 11 version 3.0


Hello Joseph,

The error you have mentioned it occurs if you choose the custom settings. In that case, you should use the pre-sets. You might have tried to run a different resolution than the desktop setting and that is why, the window is asking to change the resolution.

Now to resolve the issue, you need to go back to the setting option and disable any extra monitors. Then change the desktop resolution to the same resolution which you need to run at the bench.

Hope this could be a help.

Thank you.

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