I would like to make a roaming profile in Apple Mac PCs which connects to Win 2K3 ADS. I have set up the path in the active directory access option. But the profile is storing only in the local PC and is not saving on the roaming path which I have specified. Roaming profile is just the same as Win2k3 AD server. Please help to solve this problem.
Problem with Roaming profile Connecting Apple Mac and Win 2003 PCs
To do that, you will need to ensure that the Mac systems that you are using have been joined to the domain controller and an ADS user can log on to them successfully, and then you will use the "Directory Utility" under "Utilities" menu to make it part of the domain. You will also need to backup all the contents from users to the storage or somewhere locally, and after that you will do the following:
You will configure automount as follows:
You will go to "Utilities" and then choose "Directory Utility"
And then you will select the domain and after that click "Show advanced options"
Next you will click the "Mounts" tab and then add automount as follows:
Remote NFS URL: nfs://server_name/share_name/path/to/profile/directory, Mount location: /Users,Additional mount parameters: -P,-T
Once you have done that, you will need to apply the settings so as to mount the remote shared folder.
You will also need to enable roaming profile as follows:
You will go to "Utilities" and then choose "Directory Utility"
Next you will choose the domain and click "Show advanced options"
You will then click "Services" and thereafter select "Active Directory" and then click "Show advanced option"
After that, you will need to click "User experience" tab and select the option "Create mobile account at login".
Once you have done all that, you will reboot the system and log in as any ADS user. When the computer restarts, the Roaming shared folder will have been mounted. Also, the user profile will be created on the shared folder.