Problem Uninstalling Trend Micro and Installing AVG 2012

Asked By 40 points N/A Posted on -

I am trying to uninstall the Trend Micro on my computer because my license has expired, and I am not renewing my subscription at the moment. I went to Control Panel to uninstall the program. After it was uninstalled, the computer prompted me to restart it which I did for 3 times.

However, it still has not been uninstalled successfully. I tried to uninstall the program through the Programs menu on Start but then again, it was unsuccessful. 

I know it is not a problem with the application because I had uninstalled the same program on another computer without any problem. So I decided to just install the AVG 2012 Free version, but it was still unable to install.

Now I am stuck with an unregistered version of Trend Micro which has limited functionalities and I cannot install the free version of AVG 2012. Any suggestion to make both the removal of the Trend Micro and installation of the AVG possible would be appreciated.

Installer Setup Error


Severity: Error
Error Code: 0xC0070643
Error Message: General internal error.
Additional Message: Driver Installation failed (0x00000000)
Context: MSI action failed

Answered By 0 points N/A #158946

Problem Uninstalling Trend Micro and Installing AVG 2012

Some files of Trend Micro Internet Security Pro are still on your computer. Remove completely from your PC by using support tool TISSuprt exe.
To remove trend micro from your PC please follow the steps given below:
1. Close the main console if it is open.
2. Click on Start > My Computer.
3. Double-click Local Disk C: then double-click on the Program Files folder.
4. Double-click on the Trend Micro folder to open it.
5. Open the Internet Security subfolder.
6. Double-click on the TISSuprt.exe file. It has a red and white lifesaver icon.
7. When the Trend Micro Diagnostic Toolkit window appears, click on the [E] Uninstall tab.
8. Click Uninstall.
Now your computer is completely save from trend micro files.
Installing Avg:
If you are trying to install the AVG Internet Security 2012 after logged in as the local user,
I suggest you to try to install the AVG Internet Security 2012 after logging in as administrator and after that check whether you are getting the error while installing the AVG or not.
AVG Anti-Virus

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