Problem is when copying, it will not copy the entire DVD

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I acquired a DVD multi-format recorder (brand is Memorex) which was also supposed to be able to print LightScribe labels. It came with a Nero Essentials 7 software. The problem is when copying, it will not copy the entire DVD, only portions of it. There is no message of an error. Also, after copying DVD, I attempted to create a label using LightScribe.

After creating a label and I looked in “Preview” then clicked “'Print LightScribe Label.” After a few seconds a message came out saying “Printing Successful.” I took the DVD out but it had no label. Can you please tell me what went wrong? Thank you.

Answered By 0 points N/A #112859

Problem is when copying, it will not copy the entire DVD


Is that happening for every DVD that you try printing the label on using lightscribe or was it just one specific occurrence with one DVD? What I think could be the problem here is either the DVD drive or the Nero express application that you are using for burning.

So to be sure, you will need to get another DVD and then try printing the label on it. If the process is successful, then that could have been just a onetime occurrence that may have been caused by the settings you used when printing the label on the DVD. You will therefore need to install the application on another computer and try the same procedure from there and see how it goes.

-Richard Gabriel


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