Problem while selecting Send Mail from File menu

Hi everybody,

Hi everybody,
The error message regarding sending the presentation while sending mail from the file menu is occurred due to Windows default settings.
To get rid from this error message you need to do the following: insert “default programs” in the Search Box (Start). Click “default programs” below “programs” in search result.
Click “set your default programs” and it will give you a choice to select the right program as default program. “Microsoft Office Outlook” or “Microsoft Outlook” at the left should be selected.
Select “set this program as default”. Press ok. I think the error message will not appear and you will be able to send mail from the file menu.
I hope you understand it.
There could be a couple reasons why you are having troubles with MS word. First of all Outlook might not be running as an Administrator. In order to check for this go to:
My Computer > Local Disk C > Program Files > Microsoft Office > Office 12 > Outlook.exe.
Once you are here right click on Outlook.exe and click on "Run as Administrator. Now if you are using a 64 bit OS this step will be a little different:
My Computer > Local Disk C > Program Files(X86) > Microsoft Office > Office 12 > Outlook.exe. Once you have chosen "Run as Administrator" you can try to close it and open it again.
Hopefully this should resolve your issue.
If running outlook as an administrator did not fix the problem we need to check and see if Outlook is in compatibility mode. In order to check this go to the following area:
My Computer > Local disk C > Program Files > Microsoft Office > Office 12 > Outlook.exe.
Once you are in this area click on Properties and click on the Compatibility tab. On this tab you will need to see if there are any check marks on these options, if there are any check marks-remove them. Before leaving this area make sure to click on the option that says "change settings for all users".
These options should help you with your issue.