Problem With Launching VMware Backups Via AVVI Agent And It Gives 0xe00095a7 Error

Give a detailed explanation on 0xe00095a7 error? Describe the reason for the occurrence of the error with its snapshot and explain the method to resolve this error.

Give a detailed explanation on 0xe00095a7 error? Describe the reason for the occurrence of the error with its snapshot and explain the method to resolve this error.
0xe00095a7 error is a VMware error that occurs when the user backing up the data via AVVI agent. The error message display ‘Error 0xe00095a7 – The operation failed because the virtual center or ESX server reported that the virtual machine’s configuration is invalid.’ The solutions to fix the error code are as follows:
Solution 1:
Restart the Vmware tools service on the Guest Virtual machine being backed up and try to run the Backup job.
Solution 2:
Step 1: Uninstall the Agent for Vmware Virtual Infrastructure (AVVI) option from Tools -> Install Options and License Keys on this Media Server.
Step 2: Reinstall the AVVI option from Tools-> Install Options and License Keys On This Media Server.
Step 3: Run the back-up again.