Problems Due To The Error Code 409 Explain It

When I try to enter the email id and password to sign up to a website it shows the problems due to the Error Code 409, explain it? Can you please explain it?

When I try to enter the email id and password to sign up to a website it shows the problems due to the Error Code 409, explain it? Can you please explain it?
It is a Conflict that means when a user tries to update or want to change data in the resource, and it failed to reallocate the values in that particular resource. Now when you enter the email id and password and it is showing Error Code 409 that means that the email id is already registered or link with that of the website.
If you are just signing up for a new account on a website when you hit the error, you probably need to check your internet connection if it is working as stated by the error message. It seems the error code “409” in that error message is different from the actual HTTP response status code.
One reason for this is if there is a problem with the web app linked to the signup form. In this case, try signing up again later. The standard error code “409” that you may receive on websites will show the message “Conflict”. When you hit this error, you will see on the web page without quotes “409 Conflict”.
The HTTP “409 Conflict” response status code indicates a request conflict with the current state of the server. Conflicts are most likely to happen in response to a “PUT” request. One example that may trigger a “409” response is when you upload a file that is older than the one already on the server which results in a version control conflict.