By using the online converter I wanted to convert my DVDPedia export but I get the following error although the file is rightly encoded.
"Unable to parse XML file. Is it encoded in UTF-8?"
After a lot of test and failure, I believe I have narrowed it along to the converter. If the export library holds only 3 records, I am able to run an export through the converter.
But if the exported library holds for 4 or more records, it shows the error message. I have 600 records in DVDPedia in my library and truly I want to get them into HD Movies.
Problems with online converter and DVDPedia export:
Hi there Tricia klein,
This is not a tough work it’s so simple. You need to understand the basics of it so it will help you to understand what you need to do. DVDpedia files created when you export your files in to “DVDpedia”. So you cannot convert the file directly what you need to do is
1st rename the particular allowances of the file to “.ZIP” so u will be able to extract the files first.
2nd Now convert the file ino.xml file using “online converter”. Conversion will help to create XML file, it will allow you to import your movies.
3rd Make a new folder and copy the XML file in to it.
4th Select all the files inside the folder > right click and find “compress items” and click on it so it will help to create a New zip file.
5th Simply upload the new zip in to Movies HD using the restore procedure
Taylor B Campos
Thank You..!!!
Problems with online converter and DVDPedia export:
This is error is a fatal error. It doesn't unlock a tag, it's immediately natural data. I suppose this XML file is wrapping a second XML file. The wrapped file appears as a blob of character data. Your XML is unacceptable. Note the lines that start on with "<". It's evading the "<" character instead of using it accurately. Wherever it's coming from, it's mangling the XML.
A DVDpedia record forms while you export your records into “DVDpedia”. therefore you cannot change the file openly. You have to extract the files using a ZIP. Then, alter the file using an online converter. After that, formulate the latest folder and save the XML file. Next, choose "save records" within the folder you are saving, then right click and look for “compress items”, then click it and this will generate a new ZIP file. Then you can upload the new ZIP. I hope this helps you.
Ppercy George