Problems with opening files with extension .webm

I have some video files with the extension .webm. I have some players but everyone fails to open these files. Can anyone suggest with which media player I can use to open files with .webm extension

I have some video files with the extension .webm. I have some players but everyone fails to open these files. Can anyone suggest with which media player I can use to open files with .webm extension
How to Play WebM Files
you need to installed Codec for your videos to play your Webm Files to play properly.
1. UPDATE: The newest Version of the popular VLC Player 1.1 is now also capable of playing WebM-Files.
2. if you want to play WebM in Windows you will need a DirectShow Filter. You can download from internet. After the download, you have to extract the files to a folder, and then go to that folder in DOS-Mode (enter command “cmd”), where you register them using the command:
regsvr32 webmsource.dll webmsplit.dll vp8decoder.dll vp8encoder.dll webmmux.dll.
WebM is based on two open codecs for compressing the video and audio component of the content.
VP8 for Video
The video content of a WebM file is compressed with VP8, it’s the modern version of MPEG4
Vorbis for Audio
Audio-Component of a Video-File needs to be compressed; therefore another open technology is used: Vorbis (also known as Ogg Vorbis. It is known as the alternative of MP3
Probably before, there are still no media players available to support or play WEBM files (*.webm) but now, the latest version of VLC media player is now capable of playing WEBM files. Visit VLC media player and download it to allow you to play WEBM files. It supports Windows XP Service Pack 3, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8.x, and Windows 10.
I have the latest VLC media player on my computer and as I check, the “webm” extension name is supported which means the WEBM file format is playable on the latest version. For Mac, the latest VLC media player supports OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard and higher. “WebM” or the “.webm” file format is an open media file format intended for the web.
These files contain video streams compressed with either the VP8 or VP9 video codec while the audio streams compressed with either the Opus or Vorbis audio codec including the WebVTT text tracks. The file structure of a WebM file is based on the Matroska media container or MKV (*.mkv).