Problems with printer at work and Lotus Notes

Hello friends,
I had problems with my printer here at work, then with Lotus Notes:
1. All of a sudden, for NO reason I can understand, I could not print anything from any program.
2. I deleted my printer (HP LaserJet 5000 Series PCL 6) and re-installed it.
3. I CAN print from MS Word, but when I try to print in Lotus Notes, I get an error message: "Lotus Notes Desktop — printer error"
REALLY helpful message, eh?
I just now checked, and it did that again. What can I do to fix this?
I am NOT a computer expert, and because I work for a state agency, NONE of our Information Services staffs is REALLY a computer expert.  State government cannot afford to pay high enough wages to get ANYONE who is REALLY a REAL expert on computers to work in Info Services.  <Sigh…>
Is there ANYTHING I can do all by myself, from a complete list of instructions, to fix this problem once and for all?  This has happened several times with this computer.  ("This" = can print from MS Word, but CANNOT print from Lotus Notes — all of a sudden, out of the blue.)
Specs for my computer:
   IBM 330-P133
   Compaq 150
   HP LaserJet 5000 Series PCL 6
   Windows 95
If I need to use a diskette to re-boot any printer or computer software, that MAY be a problem. Â I do not have that diskette, and I do not know if our Information Services people have it.
I hope you people can help me. Â "Experts-exchange" has been VERY helpful to me so far, with all the problems that I have had.
I eagerly await for your replies.
SP fan.