Asked By
jayson mars
90 points
Posted on - 04/14/2012
I have one CORBA server and a client for testing CORBA as a server. I have one problem, when I issue the API to shutdown, destroy is not implemented and I get the following error:
org.omg.CORBA.COMM_FAILURE: Unable to listen on / ( Address already in use: JVM_Bind)
What can I do about it?
Have I missed something?
Answered By
0 points
Problems in Restarting CORBA Server
This exclusion is connected to port that is being used on another process. The message indicates that one of the ports that the application server is trying to connect is being used by some process so you need to alter the server port.
The TCP server attends on a port for incoming connections from the clients. A TCP server contains two choices for identifying the port on which it will attend:
The server can inform the OS that it wants to attend on a certain port.
The sever can also inform the OS that it wants to attend on port 0. The OS identify this process, so it assigned a random port to the server. This is also called as the transient which means temporary or ephemeral which means short-lived ports. If a TCP is programmed or modified to attend on a fixed port then it will listen to the same port if it restarted or shut off. Contrary to this, if the server is programmed or modified to attend on a subjective port then it is certain to attend on a different port if it is restarted or shut off.
If you used the naming service as "nameser":
For Linux: Enter the following to start the nameser on Linux:
tnameserv -ORBInitialPort 2888
For Windows PC: Enter the following command from the IBM WebSPhere Message Broker:
start nameser -ORBInitialPort 2888
2888 is the port on which server you want to run and is also the default value if the -ORBInitialPort is excluded.
If the above solution doesn't work, check your Firewall settings. Remove the Corba servers from it.
Answered By
0 points
Problems in Restarting CORBA Server
Hi Jayson,
You are getting Address already in use: JVM_Bind.
This exception can because of an address already being used, so only what we need to do is assign a new port to our CORBA server.
There may be two possible reasons/solutions for this exception as per my knowledge:
1. Firewall : If Firewall blocks the incoming or outgoing packets then it may be the reason.
Solution : Check that the firewall should not be blocking the it, if so then remove it from firewall checklist.
2. Assign different port: As exception itself suggests we need to assign another port. To do it, Open an IBM WebSphere Message Broker command console, and then enter following command,
 start namingservice -ORBInitialPort 4000