Problems with Windows XP related to Norton Security System
I have a serious problem with my windows XP. I had a virus in my windows named “XP Antispyware 2010”, which I removed using Norton Security System which I newly installed. But then I faced another problem.
After I removed it using Norton Security System, I started getting problems with my internet. When I click on the internet icon, its shows a popup asking me Open with application. I even tried to run it but it does nothing and again shows me similar messages.
Even if I try to click on other applications, I get the message Application Not Found. I even tried to delete it from my control panel but I just couldn’t do it because its inaccessibility.
I can’t operate the major functions of my Windows like opening Ms word directly, data recovery or even restoring because I get the same message. Even if I want to change anything directly in my laptop, I am unable to do that.
To get the help of Symantec, I called them. They helped me in deleting Norton Security System from my laptop but I still I’m facing the same problems. Hence I came to know that its problem with my Windows.
I would like to get your nice suggestions in resolving these problems. Please help me out. I would be grateful to you.