Process of editing document after approval
Generally we edit a document at first, and then we approve them.
But, how can we edit a document after approval?
Generally we edit a document at first, and then we approve them.
But, how can we edit a document after approval?
After finalizing all types of editing we normally send document for approval.
If any mistake found after approval then in future the blame comes to both the editor and the person who approved it.
If any editing necessary after approval then contact with the authority and request them to give chance of editing.
It is never appreciated to finalize a document without proper editing.
Thank You.
That is the normal process done when processing a document or documents that needs some manual approval. This usually is common in editorial offices that require document editing on submitted manuscripts or document projects.
But in the case that the document has already been approved without having been edited yet, I think at this point the problem is with the person who received the document first hand. This is a human error done by personnel.
It is possible that the act done on the document is unintentional and the person responsible for the document may have accidentally overlooked the supposed tasks done on the document.
This is inevitable because of stress which is usually the cause of human error in different activities around the work environment.
If the approved document has already been submitted, you may notify the person in-charge of receiving approved documents so the document can be checked if it is indeed require editing and possibly return it for editing.