Process of Installing Windows 7 and Remove Old Windows Vista OS

How will I replace my old OS (Windows Vista) with Windows 7 since my previous OS could not be installed?

How will I replace my old OS (Windows Vista) with Windows 7 since my previous OS could not be installed?
Depending on the type of your Windows Vista, you can try any of the following to get Windows 7 Operating System working on your computer:
If you are having an original Windows 7 installation DVD, you just need to upgrade your old OS (Windows Vista). It is automated process, and will last 20-30 minutes.
If your computer could run Windows Vista, it can also run Windows 7, since Windows 7 is less demanding for hardware resources than Vista.
If you don’t need to backup your old data, best solution is to do a fresh new installation of Windows 7, with previous formatting of your hard-drive partitions.