Product does not support elevated administrator account

Asked By 750 points N/A Posted on -

Hi Guys,

A while ago I received  a mail in my inbox from a friend.  It tells me that I am invited to Live Mesh. The Live Desktop user interface looks nice and cool, somewhat like a real desktop. I immediately get into the installer for my computer, because that would make Mesh do great, from an online storage service like SkyDrive.

But I was greatly  surprised, to get an error message: 'Product does not support running under elevated administrator account or with UAC disabled'.


Live Mesh

Product does not support running under an elevated administrator account or with UAC disabled.

After getting the error message above, I was kind of fallen down.  After much excitement, here comes frustration.  

Please help me guys with this error,


Answered By 0 points N/A #122755

Product does not support elevated administrator account


As the error is suggesting you to run Live Mesh but not under an elevated administrator account. Try to install it with UAC off.  And I assumed you are running Windows Vista. Try to install Live Mesh under Vista SP1. It appears that the issue is Vista and UAC does not work well together.

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